Below is a note from Cecilia Hook-  

Happy (Belated) New Year!

I hope January has treated you all well, and you all have had a chance to settle into this new year. I am back again with my third instalment of Senegal Once Again, my YAGM newsletter. I have attached it as a PDF below. Please let me know if you missed any of the previous installments, or have any other questions for me! 


Thank you as always for your support as I continue this journey. I can't believe I have been gone over five months already.


I have also been very blessed by the financial support from so many of you. Thank you again! if you feel called to support YAGM financially, you can do so in a variety of ways. To give by phone, please call 800-638-3522. You are also welcome to give online by going to and selecting Cecilia Hook from the dropdown menu or go to my Peer-to-Peer fundraising page:


Much love,


Cecilia Hook